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Volleyball Rules
Volleyball Rules

Before jumping behind the net, know the rules.

Updated over 4 months ago

Knowledge of the Rules

1.1 The rules of Social Sport Volleyball leagues are based on the FIVB Official Volleyball Rules. You can view the rules HERE!

1.2 The rules in this document take precedence in the event of any discrepancy.

1.3 It is the responsibility of each player to be familiar with these rules.

Team Registration

2.1 Team Registration must be paid prior to Round 2.

2.2 All players must be registered online before participating.

2.3 The playing of unregistered players is not permitted and may result in loss of match points.

Match Format

3.1 Open senior matches shall consist of 50-minute time-slots and will be played across 3 sets. This allows for a 5-minute warm-up and a 45-minute game.

3.2 All 3 sets will be played, if a team wins the first 2 sets a 3rd set will be played regardless.

3.3 Sets are played first to 21 points. To win the first and second sets, teams must score 21 points with a 2 point advantage.

3.4 The 3rd and final set is played first to 21 points or the team who has the most points when the siren sounds. If in the final set the time expires during the rally, the rally shall be completed and the point is counted. If scores are level at the conclusion of the final set the set will be deemed a draw.

3.5 Teams will be awarded a set point in the case of a drawn final set.

3.6 Teams will change sides immediately at the conclusion of each set.

3.7 A match is started and finished by the referee‘s whistle.

Before the Match

4.1 Teams must submit their player lineup on League Up prior to match commencement.

4.2 All outstanding payments must be made prior to match commencement. Games will not start if your fees have not been paid.

4.3 The Venue Manager must receive match payment before your game can commence.

Time of Match

5.1 Teams are to be on court at the scheduled match time.

5.2 The referee will start the clock at the scheduled match time to ensure that all teams have a full match.

5.3 The clock will not be stopped, except in the case of injury.

5.4 Teams are to have a minimum of 4 players on court before a match can commence.

5.5 The following penalties apply for lateness:

1-3 mins: 5 points

3-5 mins: 8 points

5-8 mins: 12 points

8-12 mins: 1 set

12+ mins: Forfeit

5.6 A forfeit will result in a 3-0 (sets) win awarded to the opposition. All forfeits are charged at the full match rate of $89. The forfeit fee is to be paid prior to a team's next match.

5.7 A forfeit without notification may result in removal from the league.


6.1 A maximum of 6 players are permitted on court at any one time.

6.2 Senior Open teams may have any combination of males or females on the court at any one time.

6.3 If requested, team contacts must notify the referee of player names.

6.4 Players are permitted to play across multiple teams per night in the following situations:

A team can borrow players from another team as long as they start the game with a minimum of their own 4 registered players.

Individual players can play for another team as long as they are in the same or lower division. Eg. Division 1 players cannot play in a division 2 league.

6.5 Teams found to be playing ineligible players, relating to rule 6.4, may lose match points.

6.6 For all Social Sport senior competitions, players must be a minimum of 15 years of age to participate. It is the responsibility of each team to ensure this rule is enforced at all times.

Team Uniforms

7.1 Teams are not required to wear the same coloured uniform however are encouraged to do so if they like.

7.2 All players must wear sporting attire and footwear.

7.3 All players must remove or tape over any items of jewellery, including watches and piercings.


8.1 Players may interchange at any time during a point break or in between sets without notifying the referee.

8.2 There is no limit to the number of interchanges a team is permitted to make during a match.


9.1 In the case of an injury occurring, the clock will be stopped up to a maximum of 5 minutes.

9.2 An injured player is to leave the court as soon as reasonably possible.

9.3 Once an injured player leaves the court, their position may be filled by another player.

9.4 If a player is bleeding, they must vacate the court immediately and cannot return until the bleeding has stopped.

9.5 An injury that causes a stoppage of over 15 minutes will result in the abandonment of the game. A 1-1 (sets) result will be recorded.

9.6 Any injury that might require further medical treatment must be reported to the Venue Manager.

Points system

10.1 Teams will be awarded 4 points for a win.

10.2 Teams will be awarded 2 points for a draw.

10.3 In the case of a forfeit, a team will receive 4 points for a win and a 3-0 (sets) result.

10.4 In the case of a game being abandoned, the result of the game will be decided on a fault basis.

The following outlines possible outcomes:

- One team at fault: Opposition is awarded a 3-0 (sets) win

- Both teams at fault: No result (no points awarded)

10.5 In the case of a game cancellation due to weather or venue issues, the result will stand if more than 50% of the game has been played. If less than 50%, the result will be a 1-1 draw.


11.1 All finals fixtures will be advised to participating teams and posted online.

11.2 Participating teams must ensure they are available for all possible match times.

11.3 Finals formats are dependent on the make-up of divisions.

11.4 Final ladder positions are determined by total match points. In the case of teams having equal points, a higher set difference will take precedence. If still equal, higher sets for will take precedence.

11.5 In the case of a team being unable to play a finals match, the next highest-ranked team will qualify.

11.6 In the case of divisions with uneven bye allocation, points will be averaged to determine final ladder positions. Eg. A team with 1 bye and 30 points from 15 matches (2 points per match) will finish higher than a team with 2 byes and 31 points from 16 matches (1.94 points per match). Please note: Average points per game system does not apply to teams who have entered the competition after Round 3. They are only able to qualify for finals on total points.

11.7 If teams are tied at full-time of a finals match, that is the set score is 1-1, and points are equal when the time expires the final set must be won by 2-points to determine the winner.

11.8 Players must have played a minimum of 3 matches in the regular season to be eligible to play in finals matches.


12.1 There will be one referee assigned to each court.

12.2 The referee’s decision is final.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is in place to ensure that all participants are able to be involved in an enjoyable and safe environment. As a condition of participation, all teams must agree to the following standards.

- Players must demonstrate respect for referees, other players, spectators, and staff.

- The team contact is responsible for the actions of their team.

- The team contact is responsible for communicating all matters regarding participation.

Any breach of the above standards will result in an official warning or immediate dismissal from the competition. Anti-social behaviour, both on and off-court, will not be tolerated.

Please note that banned players are not permitted to play for any team or enter the stadium during the competition.

Two or more players from any one team involved in a breach of the Code of Conduct will result in the team and all individual players facing removal from the competition.

Social Sport has the right to take any action deemed necessary in the best interests of all participants.

Suspension of Players

The following information relates to the suspension of players:

  • If a player is removed from the court, they must remain off-court for a minimum of 5 minutes. The referee will indicate when the player is able to return to play.

  • If a player is removed for a second time, they must stay off court for the remainder of the game. A minimum of a 1-match ban will be handed out. Suspension length will be notified to the team contact prior to a team's next game.

  • In the case of a serious incident, a player may be removed from the court for the remainder of the game. A player may receive a longer suspension or be banned from the competition.

  • The League Manager will confirm suspension (including additional weeks) to the team contact prior to the next round of the competition.

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